


bringing scripts and stories to life.

from concept to post-production, collaborate with top-tier talent, craft visually stunning narratives, and elevate your brand's presence across digital and traditional platforms.

producing captivating films

Platform strategies, defined editorial approaches, content programming, channel growth planning and metrics.

Bringing scripts

& stories

to life

Bringing scripts • & stories • to life •

Weekend Glory

Coming soon to Nowness.

Inspired by Maya Angelou's Weekend Glory, this film follows a young woman whose drab, monotonous weekdays are sharply contrasted by weekends that come alive in vibrant technicolor, symbolizing her pursuit of joy and personal freedom.

film directed by Mike mcgrath and produced by Thousands creative.

The Best Part of Life.


Set to the music of Saint Jhn, this short film music video explores the life of a rural cult leader whose obsessive followers idolize him like a celebrity, despite his denial of being a cult figure. Amid the fanatic devotion, he unexpectedly finds genuine connection and true love with one of the followers, leading him to escape the cult and leave the fanatics behind in search of a more authentic life.

Music by Saint Jhn.

Film written and directed by Mike McGrath.

When the games stopped.

featured on Victory Journal.

When the Games Stopped is an introspective short film that follows a former Olympic 1500-meter champion as he navigates the uncertainty of his future during the COVID pandemic. Reflecting on his family's history of resilience, he grapples with the loss of routine and purpose, ultimately rediscovering a deeper sense of motivation. The film is a poignant exploration of personal growth in the face of global upheaval.

Directed by Mike McGrath and produced by Thousands creative.




don’t be afraid to  get  your  hands  dirty.